PrimeKids School is an early childhood education program designed for young children, typically ranging in age from 2 to 6 years old. Primekids serves as a bridge between home and formal schooling, introducing children to a structured and educational environment before they enter primary school.
Our mission is to help develop tomorrow's leaders. We are dedicated to instilling in our children a synergy of skills, knowledge, and values that will give them a 21st-century inner voice. Today's children will be the leaders of tomorrow, according to us. We've made a significant shift from teacher-led to child-centered instruction.
Our learning environment encourages each kid to develop his or her own learning style, while our methodology assists them in discovering their own creative and aesthetic potential. We believe that a child's human rights are unalienable. We priorities children's human rights because of our ethos of "What's Right for the Child" (WRFC). The right to have faith and the right to be trusted.
Welcome to our vibrant playschool community! Our brochure introduces an enriching world where learning meets fun. Discover a nurturing environment, dedicated educators, and engaging activities that foster your child's curiosity and early development. Join us on the exciting journey of exploration and growth at our playschool.